
Food Shuttle Receives $160,000 Grant From Citrix

Food Shuttle Receives $160,000 Grant From Citrix

Inter-Faith Food Shuttle is pleased to announce a $160,000 grant from Citrix to support COVID-19 emergency response efforts. Inter-Faith Food Shuttle is actively addressing the alarming lack of food access for families and children across their seven-county service territory caused by COVID-19.

Chatham County Mobile Market Served 1,500 Households

Chatham County Mobile Market Served 1,500 Households

Inter-Faith Food Shuttle held the Chatham County COVID-19 Mobile Market on June 4th at St. Julia Catholic Church in Siler City. Word of the event spread through flyers, social media, email and word of mouth throughout the month prior. The goal was to provide food to 1,500 households during the five hours of the drive-thru Market, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Food Shuttle and Hindu Society Join Together to Feed Those in Need

Food Shuttle and Hindu Society Join Together to Feed Those in Need

Every other Saturday for the past couple of months, Gethsemane Seventh Day Adventist Church holds “Free Meal Give-a-Ways”. The church sends out emails, posts signs, and shares the news by word of mouth that community members can pick up free food for their families at the drive-thru event. The food comes to the church from Inter-Faith Food Shuttle and the Hindu Society of North Carolina, a collaboration organized by Vielka Gabriel from Wake County Human Services

Get to Know Our Programs: Grocery Bags for Seniors

Get to Know Our Programs: Grocery Bags for Seniors

Grocery Bags for Seniors (GBS) is one of the longest running programs at the Inter-Faith Food Shuttle and has some of our most loyal volunteers. The program provides groceries delivered door-to-door by volunteers to address factors such as fixed income, social isolation, and food access.

Over $244,000 Raised Through Mead Family Foundation & Chiesi USA Match Challenge

Over $244,000 Raised Through Mead Family Foundation & Chiesi USA Match Challenge

Launched the end of March, the Food Shuttle Summer Hunger Challenge provided initially by the Mead Family Foundation, offered a $35,000 matching challenge opportunity for donors. With unemployment rates soaring higher and the effects of COVID-19 continuing, it was clear the impact would continue well into the summer months. At the end of April, Chiesi USA extended the matching challenge up to $100,000 to inspire the community to give big during this critical time. It was then announced mid-May that an additional $25,000 was added to the matching challenge pool for a total match of $125,000.

Inter-Faith Food Shuttle Partners with National Guard to Meet Community Need

Inter-Faith Food Shuttle Partners with National Guard to Meet Community Need

On Monday, April 27, members of the 1-130th ARB unit of the NC Army National Guard brought their readiness and commitment to Inter-Faith Food Shuttle to begin their assignment: assisting in the distribution efforts to families impacted by COVID-19.