Over $244,000 Raised Through Mead Family Foundation & Chiesi USA Match Challenge

Launched the end of March, the Food Shuttle Summer Hunger Challenge provided initially by the Mead Family Foundation, offered a $35,000 matching challenge opportunity for donors. With unemployment rates soaring higher and the effects of COVID-19 continuing, it was clear the impact would continue well into the summer months. At the end of April, Chiesi USA extended the matching challenge with a $65,000 gift, for a match challenge up to $100,000 to inspire the community to give big during this critical time. It was then announced mid-May that Chiesi, USA would contribute an additional $25,000 to the matching challenge pool for a total match of $125,000.

As of June 1, over $244,000 was raised by community members through this opportunity. When added to the match, this is a total impact of $369,000. We are grateful for the hundreds of donors that rallied together to give generously. These dollars will help Inter-Faith Food Shuttle fulfill its mission to pioneer innovative, transformative solutions designed to end hunger in our community.

“Nothing will ever lock down the spirit and impact of a caring community,” said Ken McBean, Chiesi USA President and CEO. “Our partnership with Inter-Faith Food Shuttle reflects the values and intentions of our employees, who are deeply committed to helping our neighbors.”

“We are honored to be able to aid in the current pandemic situation through an organization that has proven so efficient and we are proud to have supported them since 2012,” said Diana Mead, Corporate Secretary for the Mead Family Foundation.

While the matching has been fulfilled, donors interested in contributing towards Inter-Faith Food Shuttle’s summer hunger programs can give online at www.FoodShuttle.org/Donate.

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