community partners

Comeback Fest Wows the Power of Partnership

Comeback Fest Wows the Power of Partnership

This celebration of music and community put together by Band Together NC and the United Way of the Greater Triangle raised over $1 million to benefit 100 Triangle charities in recovery and rebuilding from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

John Deere's Commitment to Making a Difference

John Deere's Commitment to Making a Difference

Thanks to shared values, John Deere recently donated $46,340 to Inter-Faith Food Shuttle to support neighbors in need. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact our communities and contribute to a growing number of families facing food insecurity, John Deere's support will assist the Food Shuttle in efforts to navigate the path to recovery.

A Message From Our CEO

A Message From Our CEO

Nearly one year ago, I wrote my first newsletter to you and thanked you for your warm welcome and your continued commitment to our mission here at Inter-Faith Food Shuttle. At that time, we were at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, witnessing the pain and sadness in the aftermath of the events in Minneapolis, where thousands of our neighbors found themselves in a very dark situation. One year ago, I embraced that challenge knowing we had your continued support, and today, I continue to be grateful.

Wegmans Food Markets Funds New High Tunnel at the Food Shuttle Farm

Wegmans Food Markets Funds New High Tunnel at the Food Shuttle Farm

Wegmans Food Market has invested a milestone gift of $15,000 in honor of their late 2020 store grand opening in West Cary. These funds will be used to build a high tunnel structure at the Food Shuttle Farm, directly increasing crop rotation and production.

Green Tradition Carries Forth at Victory Garden

Green Tradition Carries Forth at Victory Garden

Citizens were encouraged to plant Victory Gardens to provide their own fruits and vegetables. The Durham Bulls are carrying on the tradition today in partnership with Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina and Inter-Faith Food Shuttle, by growing fresh local food for our community at the Victory Garden at Durham Bulls Athletic Park.

Food Lion Feeds Great Pantry Restock Fills Shelves

Food Lion Feeds Great Pantry Restock Fills Shelves

The shelves are full at Western Wake Crisis Ministry Food Pantry in Apex, NC these days. That’s thanks to a grant from the sixth annual Food Lion Feeds Great Pantry Makeover pantry restock. Food Lion recognizes the importance of keeping the shelves of feeding agencies across their ten-state footprint and has committed to provide them with nutritious food that will help nourish neighbors in need.

CBS 17 & the Food Shuttle: Back to School in the Age of COVID-19

CBS 17 & the Food Shuttle: Back to School in the Age of COVID-19

Whether they are learning in the school room or at home, food is the most important school supply. That’s why CBS 17 teamed up with Inter-Faith Food Shuttle for a week of reports on the organization’s efforts to address child hunger as children head back to school in the age of COVID-19.

Pepsi Bottling Ventures Gives 100 Kids a Strong Start to the School Year

Pepsi Bottling Ventures Gives 100 Kids a Strong Start to the School Year

This year, the staff at Pepsi Bottling Ventures (PBV) did their part to make sure that kids starting school--at home or in the schoolroom--have plenty of nutritious food to promote the learning process by filling 100 backpacks with kid-friendly snacks and meals to donate to Inter-Faith Food Shuttle.