A Message From Our CEO

Dear Friends,

Nearly one year ago, I wrote my first newsletter to you and thanked you for your warm welcome and your continued commitment to our mission here at Inter-Faith Food Shuttle. At that time, we were at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, witnessing the pain and sadness in the aftermath of the events in Minneapolis, where thousands of our neighbors found themselves in a very dark situation. One year ago, I embraced that challenge knowing we had your continued support, and today, I continue to be grateful.

With your help, we launched our long-term recovery efforts which focused on:

  1. Addressing priority needs of communities, individuals, and families most disproportionately affected by the pandemic, its economic fallout, and food insecurity.

  2. Positioning ourselves to be more agile, resilient, and prepared for sustaining our response into the future.

  3. Committing to better understand the anticipated long-term impact our investment will have on how well our community is served.

While this past year has truly been an emotional journey for us all, I am happy to report that we have moved the needle in our continued efforts to end hunger. A few of the accomplishments you have helped to achieve are:

  1. A new client choice model within our distribution services, school pantries, and partner agencies that allow families to select the foods they know, reducing food waste.

  2. New partnerships with the counties and local restaurants that have poured much needed resources back into our communities.

  3. Relationships built within communities where we now provide culturally diverse foods that meet the needs of specific groups.

  4. Engagement with community partners, clients, foundation and corporate donors, volunteers, past and current employees, and many more in a new Strategic Planning Initiative that will launch July 2021.

  5. Defining our success, not on the pounds of food distributed, but on the individual families that are now on a pathway to self-sufficiency.

This is not just a one year anniversary for me, but more a year of reflection on what we all have witnessed, and the power of what it means to be a community serving community. We have all played a role in helping each other heal, recover, and emerge even stronger because of it. As we continue to grow forward together, we will work toward a shared vision where neighbors help neighbors, improving the quality of life for all. I am excited about "what's next" and look forward to continuing to serve alongside each of you. And for all this, I thank you for an amazing year.

Yours in service,

L. Ron Pringle

President and CEO