Hands on Health

Crew Call

Inter-Faith Food Shuttle Farm and GardenCrew-Call

More than ever we need YOUR help! Haven’t heard about the recent expansion at the farm? One of our dedicated volunteers, Nyssa, blogs about it here. We’re gearing up for big production this season to supplement our fresh produce deliveries and YOUR participation in the Saturday Work Days is vital to our efforts at addressing community food security. So, c’mon and help us put some roots down!


Farm Work day, Saturday between 9a-2p (2401 Dover Farm Road)

  • We’re ready to plant more tomatoes, cucumbers and squash and need 10 volunteers that can each commit 2-3 hours this Saturday!
  • Reserve your spot with Sun (sun@foodshuttle.org) so he knows you’re coming out to help.
  • If you can, please bring tools with you so we can get more work done: trowels, hoes, shovels, and rakes are needed.

Community Gardens Work times

Alliance Medical Ministry Wednesday 3:30-5:00pm

Neighbor to Neighbor Thursday 3:30-5:00pm

Mayview Friday 3:30-5:00pm

  • In all gardens we are working with community members and youth to grow their gardens!
  • We need 3 volunteers for each work day- email Amanda (Amanda@foodshuttle.org) if you are planning on coming.
  • Garden Addresses/Directions: Alliance Medical Ministry is located at the corner of New Bern Ave. and Donald Ross Dr. at 101 Donald Ross. Neighbor to Neighbor is at 1200 S Blount Street; 1 story brick building on right with long chain link fence. Please park on E Bragg street (on right before you get to N2N). The Mayview garden site is located down the grassy hill behind the duplex at 2136 Mayview Rd (backing up to the Jaycee field).

Upcoming Event: Community Outreach Training Saturday, May 22 from 10a-1p

Join Sun and Nickie, our Hands on Health Program Coordinator, as they lead discussion in how to engage and empower individuals to help their own communities. Learn what community organizing is all about and help us connect with families in the community gardens neighborhoods. RSVP to Sun: sun@foodshuttle.org

Name the Chickens: Only 1 day left! Vote for your favorite names here.

Wanted: Community Garden Leaders

Enjoy gardening? Are you a natural leader? Looking for a way to get more involved in your community? Become a Garden Leader and help us grow the Food Shuttle community gardens. We’re now looking for energetic volunteers to coordinate community members and volunteers in garden work and activities at each of our 3 Raleigh gardens. For more information, please email Amanda (Amanda@foodshuttle.org).

PAR (Plant a Row for the Hungry) – sign up to become a member or drop off site! The IFFS PAR program encourages people to grow extra and/or donate excess produce to people in need through IFFS. We will have weekly PAR produce drop-off sites at locations around our 7 county service area, including at Logan’s Monday through Saturday.

  • If you are interested in becoming a member (donating produce from your own harvest) or know of a farmers market or store that might be interested in becoming a PAR drop-off site please contact don@foodshuttle.org.

GARDEN SUPPLIES: We are still in need of hand-tool donations. We gladly accept new and/or lightly used equipment. Thanks to all who have responded.

New Volunteer? If you have not filled out a volunteer form or have a friend who is interested in helping out please email Amanda at (Amanda@foodshuttle.org)

See you at the Food Shuttle farm this weekend!

Sun, Amanda, Steven, Elizabeth & Katherine

Get to know the Food Shuttle Staff: Nickie Charles!

Name and title:  Nickie Charles, Hands on Health Coordinator What does at typical day at IFFS look like for you? My typical day at IFFS starts with a morning briefing with my supervisor: Tonya Post, we discuss successes and usually the weeks events.  Then it is out to the communities, usually I stop by the seniors of the area, spend some time with them during walks, helping them see their progress in their lives, also giving them an outlet to be a part of something more than they can see for themselves...I enjoy seeing them become active within their own lives.  Then I usually stop and talk to the kids in the area, finding out about their week.  From there its back to IFFS to get ready to go back out and start the FITCamp programs where I do an intensive workout incorporating Tai Chi and Qigong with heavy callisthenic work.

 How long have you been at the Shuttle? 8 months and a few days

What’s your favorite part about working at IFFS? The community of my colleagues, there is always a laugh within the day...also  before I had a job now I'm doing what I'm passionate about: community, families, children and making sure they are making healthy living an active part of their lives.

What did you do before IFFS? Chief of Staff, Manhattan School of Music

P/T: Conducting Food Demo's throughout the 5-boroughs of NYC

What do you like to do when you’re not fighting hunger? I'm an avid reader, I love to read about holistic (natural)  approaches to nutritional health and exercise.

Gossiping on the phone with my girlfriends.

Favorite Movie? The entire Jason Bourne trilogies

Your last meal would be?  Shrimp & Grits

Get to know the Food Shuttle Staff: Tonya Post

Name and title: Tonya Post, Director of Programs


What does at typical day at IFFS look like for you?

 I oversee the coordination and administration of all aspects of ongoing programs including planning, organizing, leading, and monitoring program activities--that means BackPack Buddies, Hands On Health, Food and Nutrition Services Outreach, etc.  There are no typical days.  I have the pleasure of working with numerous community partners such as Advocates for Health in Action, Partnership for a Healthy Durham, Obesity and Chronic Illness subcommittee, community volunteer groups and funders!  So from delivering lunches to writing reports to building relationships to supporting Food Shuttle staff and leadership I stay busy.


How long have you been at the Shuttle?

 Since the fall of 2005


What’s your favorite part about working at IFFS?

That all different kinds of people come together here to help their community


What did you do before IFFS?

 Early Childhood (Infants and Toddlers!!)


What do you like to do when you’re not fighting hunger?

 cook and clean (no, really)


Favorite Movie?

 Say Anything with Jon Cusak


Your last meal would be?

 ice cream