Get to know the Food Shuttle Staff: Tonya Post

Name and title: Tonya Post, Director of Programs


What does at typical day at IFFS look like for you?

 I oversee the coordination and administration of all aspects of ongoing programs including planning, organizing, leading, and monitoring program activities--that means BackPack Buddies, Hands On Health, Food and Nutrition Services Outreach, etc.  There are no typical days.  I have the pleasure of working with numerous community partners such as Advocates for Health in Action, Partnership for a Healthy Durham, Obesity and Chronic Illness subcommittee, community volunteer groups and funders!  So from delivering lunches to writing reports to building relationships to supporting Food Shuttle staff and leadership I stay busy.


How long have you been at the Shuttle?

 Since the fall of 2005


What’s your favorite part about working at IFFS?

That all different kinds of people come together here to help their community


What did you do before IFFS?

 Early Childhood (Infants and Toddlers!!)


What do you like to do when you’re not fighting hunger?

 cook and clean (no, really)


Favorite Movie?

 Say Anything with Jon Cusak


Your last meal would be?

 ice cream