NC Symphony Holiday Pops to Help Feed Neighbors in Need

The holidays are upon us and the North Carolina Symphony is welcoming the season with their annual festive concert full of holiday favorites and traditional carols. The Holiday Pops is coming to Meymandi Concert Hall on December 9 and 10 with a musical celebration for all ages.

The NC Symphony is also reaching out to support our neighbors in need by holding a food drive to benefit Inter-Faith Food Shuttle in conjunction with the Holiday Pops concerts. Attendees are invited to bring donations of peanut butter, soup, and canned chicken or tuna to the concert. These high protein items will be distributed to those in need throughout the upcoming winter months through Mobile Markets, School Pantries, and Family Food Boxes. As a thank you, donors will receive a coupon for $20 off one of NC Symphony’s January concerts.  Definitely a win/win!

The Holiday Pops concerts will be presented Friday, December 9 at 8 p.m., and Saturday, December 10 at 3 and 8 p.m. in Meymandi Concert Hall in downtown Raleigh. Michelle Di Russo will serve as Conductor for the programs and Scarlett Strallen will perform as guest vocalist.

Tickets are available here. Happy holidays!