food sourcing

Get to know the Food Shuttle Staff: Don Eli!

Name and title: Don Eli,  Director Of Food Sourcing What does at typical day at IFFS look like for you?

Communication with the warehouse to set up non-scheduled food donation pick ups for the day.

Ensuring our staff and volunteer drivers are serving our food donors in the best possible way.

Exploring new food donor opportunities. Tracking poundages and collaborating with Liz, our Outreach Coordinator on food requirements for the agencies and programs that receive our food. Problem solving!

How long have you been at the Shuttle?  4 years

What’s your favorite part about working at IFFS?  The staff. They are dedicated and creative. And they are also a lot of fun.

What did you do before IFFS? Sales in Chicago

What do you like to do when you’re not fighting hunger? Sports, visiting family, vaccuuming cat hair.

Favorite Movie?  Used to be The Deer Hunter. Time to pick a new one, though….

Your last meal would be? My Mom's homemade pizza.