MIX 101-5 BackPack Buddies Food Drive

"If I didn't get a BackPack..."

If you have ever thought hunger is not a problem in our community, consider this comment from a Wake County 3rd grader, just this past week:

"My mom is working but when she gets her check she doesn't have enough money to buy enough food for all of us. I live with my Mom, Dad, and four brothers and sisters...There have been times when there wasn't any food or enough food. Then, we ask a lady for some food, and she gives us some. Some nights we don't have food - I eat breakfast and lunch at school, and that's it. Most nights we don't eat dinner, or only some people eat because there's not enough for everybody."

There are TENS of THOUSANDS of children just like this young girl in our schools.

Through BackPack Buddies, we're able to provide the children most in need with nutritious meals over the weekend so they can come to school nourished and ready to learn. But so many more still need food - and YOU can help us feed them!

Donate Food or Funds this Wednesday, August 21st at the Mix 101.5 BackPack Buddies Food Drive!

During the 2012-2013 school year, we....DSC_0030

  • Fed 1687 children each week throughout the year at 55 sites
  • Distributed 59,175 BackPacks
  • Filled with 355,050 meals / 710,100 pounds of food

But over 119,000 children in the greater Triangle area applied for free and reduced price lunch last year – we NEED to reach more of them – and YOU can help us by donating food or funds!

You can feed a child for $35 a month!

  • $350 per academic year provides a child a BackPack filled with nutritious food each weekend for a 10-month school year.
  • $420 per year provides a child with food each week year-round.

Need more convincing?

Here’s another comment we received just this past week from a Wake County 5th grade student:

“I’ve been getting a backpack since half of last year and this year…When I get home with my backpack, I unload it, put the food away, eat a granola bar, drink two juice boxes, and eat the apple…I feel good about getting a BackPack. Since my Mother was fired, we don’t have a lot of money, so that’s pretty much what I eat all weekend. During the rest of the week, I cook up some noodles that I’ve saved from the bag. If I didn’t get a backpack, I would go without eating or eat a can of vegetables. I have gone a day without eating before.”

Donate now to help!  Because hunger is unacceptable, and no child should have to go without eating.
