
Intern Stories: Food Justice, One Bench at a Time

Intern Stories: Food Justice, One Bench at a Time

Thanks to a Service Partnership Mini-Grant from the Carolina Center for Public Service at UNC Chapel Hill, FoodCorps member Brett Rapkin-Citrenbaum and I were able to purchase the materials to build a storage bench for the school. The hope is that the storage bench will make it easier for teachers, volunteers, and community members to hold large outdoor classes and cultivate nutritious food

Virtually Bringing a Garden to Life with Sprout Scout Leader Allison

Virtually Bringing a Garden to Life with Sprout Scout Leader Allison

What do plastic vegetables, 10,000 mosquito bites and glue sticks all have in common? During the week, all three are a big part of my day before 7 a.m. Having spent the last five years working as an outdoor educator, this is pretty normal stuff, but this time around, I’m adding a camera and a tripod into the mix—all with the goal of producing the Sprout Scouts Virtual Adventures digital learning series.