Food System

What's the Best Way to Transform our Food System?

by Sarah Paxson reaching the kids!

A new article suggests that teaching children about food and helping to expand their food preferences is the highest priority in turning our food systems around.  The article says that "kids’ food preferences and knowledge about what and how they eat is heavily influenced by parents, teachers, childcare professionals and other adults around them" and that it is for this reason that the explosion in recent years of healthy food programs for kids may be the single most promising means for transforming our food system as a whole.

Programs like Cooking Matters teaches the youth of America a new way to look at food than the way they see in commercials, on the shelves of our grocery stores, or even in the lunch line at school.  "Whenever kids are able to take ownership over something like cooking the food themselves, it creates a stronger connection," says Sarah Elliott, farm-to-school program manager at REAP Food Group in Madison, WI.

Read the full article and see how our Cooking Matters courses read the kids.