Inter-Faith Food Shuttle Farm and Garden
Come to one of the Food Shuttle community gardens this week and put your roots down in celebration of Earth day (can’t we make EVERY day Earth Day?!). We are NOT hosting a Farm work day this Saturday but there’s a lot of other great events and ways you can volunteer in and around town this weekend. See below!
- We are NOT holding a work day at the Farm this weekend. Looking for something to do instead? Check out the 15th Annual Piedmont Farm Tour ( or join Steven ( and other Crop Mobbers in Johnston County.
- Community Garden Work times:
- Alliance Medical Ministry Wednesdays BEGINNING in MAY
- Neighbor to Neighbor Thursdays 3:30-5:00pm
- Mayview Fridays 3:30-5:00pm
- In all gardens we will be working with community members and youth to grow their spring gardens! Please email Amanda ( if you are planning on coming.
- Garden Addresses/Directions:
- Alliance Medical Ministry is located at the corner of New Bern Ave. and Donald Ross Dr. at 101 Donald Ross.
- Neighbor to Neighbor is at 1200 S Blount Street; 1 story brick building on right with long chain link fence. Please park on E Bragg street (on right before you get to N2N).
- The Mayview garden site is located down the grassy hill behind the duplex at 2136 Mayview Rd (backing up to the Jaycee field).
- Wanted: Community Garden Leaders
- Enjoy gardening? Are you a natural leader? Looking for a way to get more involved in your community? Become a Garden Leader and help us grow the Food Shuttle community gardens. We’re now looking for energetic volunteers to coordinate community members and volunteers in garden work and activities at each of our 3 Raleigh gardens. For more information, please email Amanda (
- PAR (Plant a Row for the Hungry)– sign up to become a member or drop off site!
- The IFFS PAR program encourages people to grow extra and/or donate excess produce to people in need through IFFS. We will have weekly PAR produce drop-off sites at locations around our 7 county service area, including at Logan’s on Saturday mornings.
- If you are interested in becoming a member (donating produce from your own harvest) or know of a farmers market or store that might be interested in becoming a PAR drop-off site please contact
Crop Circles - This week’s topic: Small to Mid Scale Composting
Every Wednesday at noon we are holding local agricultural discussion groups at Farmhouse Pizza, 3011 Hillsborough St. in Raleigh. We will be serving a pizza made using some (hopefully soon to be all) local ingredients from NCSU's Farmers' Market. Please RSVP to Steve ( so he knows many pizzas to have made. If you can contribute, he is asking for a $5 donation; if you can't afford the cost we’ll gladly cover you in return for good conversation! A portion of the proceeds will go to the Inter-Faith Food Shuttle. This week we’ll discuss small to mid scale composting.
Keep up with what’s going on with our Farms & Gardens and PAR programs through the IFFS blog Use the blog to check out weekly ripe recipes, find yourself in photos of weekly crew calls, hear from other volunteers, and stay up to date with activities at IFFS. Let us know if you’re interested in contributing to the blog!
We are still in need of hand-tool donations. We gladly accept new and/or lightly used equipment. Thanks to all who have responded.
New Volunteer?
If you have not filled out a volunteer form or have a friend who is interested in helping out please email Janet at
Happy Earth Day!
Sun, Amanda, Steven, Elizabeth & Katherine