Fostering Wellness Graduation

On April 21st, Fostering Wellness in partnership with Inter-Faith Food Shuttle graduated their second class of students from their Workforce Readiness Program.

Fostering Wellness is a collaborative of agencies around the Triangle who have been working together to support young people who have a history in foster care. 

Through the support of Triangle Community Foundation and GSK, Fostering Wellness created the Workforce Readiness Program in the food industry. Chef Terri of the Food Shuttle taught the culinary portion of the course every Friday and each student passed and graduated with their ServSafe certificate. 

"It was awesome. It has been the most difficult, fun, exciting 10 weeks of my life and I wouldn't trade it for anything because I met good people, good friends. I have the support of my mom, my husband. I have the support of everyone here," said Kimberleigh Thomas, one of the recent graduates. 

The graduation ceremony featured a lunch prepared and served by the Fostering Wellness students, speeches from the graduates, and even a visit from the First Lady of North Carolina, Kristin Cooper who was on hand to support the graduates.

Watch the video below for highlights from the graduation ceremony. 

A highlight video of the April 2017 graduation of the Fostering Wellness Workforce Readiness Program. 

Fostering Wellness Graduation - Photo Gallery Recap