Volunteer Spotlight: Dylan McFatrich

Dylan McFatrich is a regular volunteer at the Camden Street Learning Garden – and has a knack for turning garden chores into kid-friendly games. He is interested in pursuing a Master’s Degree in Social Work and currently works as a Sales and Communications Associate at The Morning Times.

Why is hunger in North Carolina an issue that is close to your heart?

I am interested in homelessness, addiction, and family services, and I see hunger as one component of a larger cycle. Hunger leads to poor performance in so many areas of an individual’s life--disengagement from school and learning, gang activity, addictions.

What led you to volunteer with Inter-Faith Food Shuttle?

I picked the Food Shuttle because of their 25-plus year legacy. I thought any organization with that much background must be doing things right.

Out of all our volunteer opportunities, why Camden Street Learning Garden?

I started working with local food organizations when I was an undergrad and have worked with an organization called Centro Latino which taught children of immigrant families to grow and prepare their own food. It is nice to provide these skill sets to folks who do not have them. You get a sense from the people who take it seriously that they know it can help them bring food security and lasting positive effects to their families.

Camden Street volunteer Dylan can turn a day of gardening chores into a series of games. What a hit!

A photo posted by Inter-Faith Food Shuttle (@foodshuttle) on Mar 1, 2016 at 10:57am PST

What is most gratifying about your work here?

A rewarding moment volunteering with IFFS has been bonding and interacting with the children. I like to turn their energy into constructive movement. It is challenging, but I appreciate their spirit and I love seeing the looks on their faces when tasks are turned into games. Seeing the kids actually want to help and learn really made me feel a part of the community.

Do you have a message for someone thinking about volunteering with IFFS?

I think that if you live in and enjoy Raleigh, it only makes sense to contribute to the community as a whole. I say “If you want to grow, come with me to the Camden Street Garden!”


By Sally Bache, IFFS Administrative Services Manager. Contact: Sally@FoodShuttle.org