Celebrating Community Champions during AmeriCorps Week

IFFS AmeriCorps current and alumni The AmeriCorps program annually engages more than 75,000 Americans in 10-12 months of volunteer service each year at nonprofits, schools, public agencies, and community and faith-based groups across the country.

Inter-Faith Food Shuttle is lucky to have several current and former AmeriCorps on staff, working hard every day to Feed, Teach, and Grow a healthy, hunger-free community.

This year, for AmeriCorps Week, we’d like to introduce you to our three current AmeriCorps:

Janny Chappell

Janny Chappell

Janny is a Local Food AmeriCorps VISTA, and the Food Shuttle’s Local Produce Coordinator. Janny builds relationships with area farmers who allow IFFS to glean their surplus produce. Janny recruits and supervises volunteers who visit the farms to harvest the produce so IFFS can distribute healthy food to our neighbors in need. Last year Janny and her volunteers rescued over 55,000 pounds of vegetables!

“Serving as an AmeriCorps VISTA at Inter-Faith Food Shuttle has been a special opportunity to learn how to engage with my community in a productive and loving way. I’m thrilled to be part of the Food Shuttle team because I believe in our mission, that hunger is fixable if the community works together to increase access to healthy food and grow opportunities for people to provide for themselves.” -Janny Chappell

Courtney Bascom

Courtney Bascom and Abbey Riesett

Courtney and Abbey are both Share Our Strength AmeriCorps Members. At IFFS, they serve our Nutrition Education team as Cooking Matters Coordinators, teaching cooking classes, training volunteers, and planning menus.  Each Cooking Matters class contains a nutrition lesson, followed by hands-on cooking of a healthy meal or snack.

“This year at IFFS has brought me the most enriching and inspiring experiences I have ever had. The people I work with at the Food Shuttle and those I serve in the community bring me joy every day. This year of service has awakened in me a passion for community nutrition and service that will last a lifetime.” – Courtney Bascom

Abbey Riesett

"Although I am only 5 months into my AmeriCorps year, I have already learned a tremendous amount about working with low-income participants, curriculum implementation, development, strategic planning, volunteer engagement, and project management.  I have also been given the opportunity to expand my interests in nonprofit development by taking a grant writing course. I can’t wait to continue learning and making an impact during the rest of my AmeriCorps term!" – Abbey Riesett

About AmeriCorps

Since the program’s founding in 1994, more than 900,000 AmeriCorps members have contributed more than 1.2 billion hours in service across America while tackling pressing problems and mobilizing millions of volunteers for the organizations they serve. AmeriCorps programs do more than move communities forward; they serve their members by creating jobs and providing pathways to opportunity for young people entering the workforce. AmeriCorps places thousands of young adults into intensive service positions where they learn valuable work skills, earn money for education, and develop an appreciation for citizenship.


By Lindsay Humbert, IFFS Digital Media Specialist and Katherine Moser, IFFS Nutrition Programs Manager. Contact: Lindsay@FoodShuttle.org, Katherine.Moser@FoodShuttle.org