Fall in Love with the Food Shuttle Farm Goats

RALEIGH, N.C. – LeithCars.com is partnering with the Inter-Faith Food Shuttle to launch a live stream of the Food Shuttle goat paddock. Nemoy, Sugar, Priscilla, and Olive are the Food Shuttle Farm’s goats and now you can see what they’re up to 24-hrs a day! LeithCars.com hopes the 24-hr. live stream will increase awareness of both the Food Shuttle Farm, located near downtown Raleigh at 2300 Dover Farm Rd., and the importance of growing fresh produce for hungry Triangle residents. The Food Shuttle harvested more than 30,000 pounds from its farm in 2018, eighty percent of which was directly distributed through its hunger relief programs.

 The Food Shuttle Farm plays an integral role in the Triangle by growing and distributing fresh produce to those in need. The produce is available through the Food Shuttle’s Grocery Bags for Seniors, School Pantries and Mobile Market programs. Twenty percent of the produce is sold to local restaurants such as Lucky 32 and Mandolin to help support farm operations.

The Food Shuttle Goats are a popular attraction to the more than 2,000 volunteers that visit the farm annually.

“Our goats are the Food Shuttle Farm mascots, and keep us on our toes year-round, so we are excited to share their crazy antics with everyone.” Says Fred Baldwin, Farm Director. “Thanks to LeithCars.com for providing us with this opportunity and for shining a light on the important work we do at the Food Shuttle.”

View the live stream below and be sure to bookmark https://www.leithcars.com/goatcamlive.html to see what the goats are up to every day!