Volunteer Spotlight: Anna Kearney

Anna Kearney lives in Knightdale. She is an Early Intervention Specialist who volunteers all across the IFFS program areas.

With so many worthy nonprofits looking for volunteers, what brings you back to IFFS?

I feel drawn to the mission. I love how the Food Shuttle works to solve hunger from a holistic approach. Giving people food is great, but without the education and resources in addition to that food, it will only be a short-term solution to hunger. When I work with IFFS, I feel that I am not just feeding people, but actually helping end hunger.

Describe your first-ever volunteer experience with IFFS.

My first time was in the warehouse and riding along on the trucks. Delivering to pantries and seeing people line up to get much-needed food was significant to me. I saw how great the need is and how IFFS works to meet those needs. After the pantry drop-off we stopped at local grocery stores to pick up donations. The collaboration between IFFS and local businesses was truly inspiring.

In addition to riding the trucks, what other program areas have you helped out with?

I am currently an IFFS Ambassador, which entails going to community events and spreading the word about the organization and its programs. Most recently I represented IFFS at the Plant-a-Row Kickoff Event at Logan Trading Company. It was super cool to see so many people pledging to grow food in their own gardens and donate it to those in need through the Plant-a-Row program.

I have also volunteered at the Teaching Farm. I love spending time on the farm! The staff is so friendly and helpful. Not only did I get to play in the dirt, but the staff taught me things I am able to use in my own garden. And GOATS!! They have goats!

This holiday season I had a party for friends and family and turned it into a food drive for the Food Shuttle. I called it a contest, and gave out prizes to those who donated the most. It was so rewarding to drop off an entire car load of food! I was so grateful to my friends and family and how generously they gave.

What do you think your next volunteer effort will be?

I think I might try volunteering at the Mobile Markets or maybe help with some Field Gleaning later this season.

How will you encourage your friends to join you?

When you volunteer with IFFS you not only feel great about helping others but the people you meet are always interesting and you will learn some cool stuff, too. And did I mention they have Goats???


By Sally Bache, IFFS Administrative Services Manager. Contact: Sally@FoodShuttle.org