Happy Spring from the Teaching Farm!

We have had a gnarly winter here at the Teaching Farm with over 9” of precipitation in the last month, much of it frozen. It has left us scrambling in the mud! Luckily, Spring is finally here, and we are well underway with our spring planting and greenhouse work. We’ve already gotten kale, peas, carrots, potatoes, cabbage, spinach, cauliflower, onions, garlic, and pok choi in the ground. We are looking forward to expanding our asparagus plot this year, planting over 700 new “crowns” this spring. Our chickens have survived cold man winter and are now laying more eggs than ever before. We now have 150 chickens all laying eggs like it’s going out of style!

We have our work cut out for us this Spring catching up from all the rain and cold weather. Work right now consists of building and preparing planting beds, sifting and spreading compost, mulching aisles between beds with leaf mulch, weeding, expanding our deer fencing, and much, much more. Come out and join us at the farm on a regular basis, Tues-Friday from 9am-12pm or 12pm-3pm and Saturdays 9am-1pm. Contact Joshua@FoodShuttle.org to schedule a time.

JKHF March 2014

We recently hosted over 30 hard-working and enthusiastic volunteers from the Jamie Kirk Hahn Foundation, and with their help, we were able to tackle several projects including deer fencing that will protect our new Incubator Farmers from deer as their spring planting goes in this week, as well as spring bed preparation including:

  • 1400 row feet of potatoes
  • 1200 row feet of cabbage
  • 600 row feet of Chinese cabbage
  • 600 row feet of broccoli
  • 150 row feet of pak choi.
  • 12 280-foot rows raked out = 3360 bed feet of planting space prepared!
  • 2800 feet of aisles mulched with leaves
  • ½ cubic yard of compost sifted
  • 3 cubic yards of compost loaded for our Hoke St. location

Don't forget to check out our awesome upcoming agricultural workshops this spring!

Incubator Farm Program

We have 15 Incubator Farmers and are growing! There is still more plot space available at the Teaching Farm. (Update: we are now full for the season!) Check out this flyer with more info and contact Joshua@FoodShuttle.org if you're interested in starting your own Incubator Farm.