Take Your Place at the Table

A new film that debuted March 1st, A Place at the Table, explores childhood hunger in America, and it opens today in Greensboro at the Geeksboro Coffeehouse Cinema!  The film vividly illustrates how lack of income and lack of access to fresh healthy food are the root causes of hunger and its companion, obesity.  Here in North Carolina, one in four children in North Carolina is at risk of hunger.  More than 112,000 children receive free or reduced lunch through our public schools in the 7 counties Inter-Faith Food Shuttle serves.

The film addresses the need for continued strong funding of federal nutrition programs, like SNAP (food stamps), which help keep millions of American families from going hungry, as well as the need for education about healthy food.

Watch the trailer here:

The film in also currently playing at Sunrise Theatre in Southern Pines, NC. You also can watch the full film on iTunes or onDemand.

What can you do to help?

You can help both at the grassroots level and by advocating for national change.

  • Volunteer with us!
    • Through our Nutrition Education programs, we’re connecting kids, teens, families, and adults with the knowledge and skills to access, purchase, prepare, and eat nutritious food on a limited budget.
    • Organize your co-workers, club members, or faith-based group to pack BackPacks for food insecure children or pack and distribute Grocery Bags for Seniors.
    • Harvest excess produce from local farmers' fields with our Field Gleaning program. We'll distribute it to people and communities in need through our Mobile Markets.
    • Connect with how food is grown on local market farms by growing with us on our Teaching Farm.
  • Donate to help us end hunger in our community.  We feed, teach, and grow to overcome the root causes of hunger: the barriers  of lack of access and lack of sufficient income to purchase enough healthy food.
    • Your donation helps support local initiatives to make sure all members in our community have the employment and job skills to earn a living wage through our culinary, young farmer, and urban agriculture job training programs.
  • Contact your representative
    • Help end hunger in America by contacting your House and Senate Representatives.  Urge them to protect and strengthen SNAP and other nutrition safety net programs and oppose any proposals to weaken them. Congress must ensure that Americans who have fallen on hard times have the resources they need to put food on the table for their families. 
    • Call the A Place at the Table hotline at 1(855)-48TABLE to be connected to your members of Congress:
      • Talking Points:
        • As a constituent, I urge you to protect and strengthen funding for SNAP and other nutrition safety net programs as you work to reauthorize the Farm Bill and address deficit reduction
        • Congress must ensure that Americans who have fallen on hard times have the resources they need to put food on the table for their families.

More information here.