Meet a Hunger Fighter!

Trevon, 17, is a student at Wake Forest Roseville and is in ROTC.  He has volunteered at Inter-Faith Food Shuttle for quite some time, his dedication is inspirational.  When he is not busy with school work or ROTC, he comes to IFFS to help in anyway that he can-whether cleaning or organizing for food distribution.

Who:  Trevon Williams

What:  Inter-Faith Food Shuttle volunteer- cleans out coolers, organizes food, makes sure things are running smoothly

When:  everyday after school

How long:  volunteered with his church since age 10 and has been coming to the Food Shuttle after school since age 15- so for 2 years!

Why: "It’s a new experience; you get to see what really goes on behind the scenes and how many people you're actually affecting.  It’s an overall good experience.  I really like it!  It’s a good cause and we always have things to do.”