Name the Chickens Contest!

The Food Shuttle now has 3 new "chicks!" Spence's Farm donated 1 rooster and 2 chickens to the Food Shuttle Farm! These chicks will be doing double duty at the Farm by fertilizing the land and producing eggs. Worm Doctor, Steven Horton, named the rooster already, but the other 2 chickens are nameless. So, we need your help to name them! Watch the video to meet the chicks and check out the contest details below!



How the Contest Works


Submit a name between April 26 and May 3 11:59pm. Comment on this blog post to submit a name!


Food Shuttle Staff will narrow down the names to the Top 10




Vote for your favorite name on the blog from May 6 until May 13, 11:59pm!


Winners will be announced on May 14th at 10:00am. The winners will receive some sought after prizes such as the 1st dozen eggs from the chickens and Food Shuttle related gear (i.e. the famous Food Shuttle reusable bag, Food Shuttle Water Bottle, and Food Shuttle ice scraper)!

Okay, get to naming! The contest is open to anyone, so feel free to pass this post along to friends and family!
