Meet a Hunger Fighter - Family Style!

Who: The Law Family. Father, Tom Law. Son, Dr. Michael Law. Daughter-in-law, Kile Law.

Tom Law

What: After retiring from 30 years of being a pastor at St. Paul’s Christian Church in Raleigh, Tom Law decided to fulfill his second calling in life: to become a Food Recovery volunteer driver for the Food Shuttle. As a Food recovery truck driver, Tom would collect healthy perishable food donations from grocery stores and wholesale retailers and drop it back off at the Food Shuttle to be redistributed to organizations in the area that feed the needy.

When: Driving the Glenwood Route every Wednesday morning.

How Long: For 3 years, from 2005 to 2007. The only reason he's no longer volunteering is a bad knee, which kept him from climbing in and out of the truck.

Why: By driving a Food Shuttle truck and delivering food to people who need it most, Tom saw his faith being put into action. It was wild and good, and God, I miss it," Law said of his days as a volunteer driver. Learn more Tom's life story in this article by the N&O from last year.


Dr. Michael and Kile Law

What: Michael's father introduced him to the Food Shuttle when he started volunteering. He and his wife now support the Food Shuttle through their medical day spa that they co-own in Raleigh, Blue Water Spa. At Blue Water Spa they hold canned food drives, and all of the donations support the BackPack Buddies Program!

When: All year long

How Long: Since November of 2008. 42,000 Pounds of food have been donated to date thanks to Blue Water Spa and its clients! Recently, Blue Water Spa has become the Inaugural BackPack Buddies Adopt-a-School Sponsor!

Why: A year after his father has stopped driving, Dr. Law began supporting the Food Shuttle through food drives for BackPack Buddies. It became his turn to take over the family role of supporting the Food Shuttle!


The BackPack Buddies Program

BackPack Buddies Program provides food for school children on free or reduced lunches who might not otherwise have anything to eat over the weekends. Each backpack contains six meals of canned meats and stews, packaged noodles, 100% juice boxes, shelf-stable milk, healthy snacks, breakfast items, and canned fruit. Currently, over 800 backpacks are packed every week to go out to these children by the weekend. You can understand why we appreciate the Laws and their continuous food donations with 800 bags and mouths to feed every week!


Watch this video below to see how easy it is to donate food for BackPack Buddies while receiving a discount at Blue Water Spa!