Friday's celebration of the 50th graduating class

9 men and women graduated on Friday from our Culinary Job Training Program! They join the 270 graduates before them to complete the 11 week intensive culinary program. It was an exciting day in the warehouse at the Food Shuttle as family and friends came out to support the graduates (and enjoy a tasty meal prepared by the grads!). Lauren Hills from NBC 17 covered the story - watch and read the NBC 17 video here.

Andy Beal took the following pictures for us. Take a look for a recap of the graduation ceremony!

Victoria putting final touches on the meal

Guests in line for lunch prepared by the graduates

Introduction of the 50th class!

Chef Terri and Robert Lucas, the class Valedictorian

The whole class with new chef jackets!

Tonya and Kevin

 *click here to view the rest of the pictures from Andy Beal*

 Niki Morock from Triangle Charities also stopped by and wrote a story on her blog about the graduation. She stopped by the Food Shuttle earlier this year for a tour, and we're so glad she made it back for the 50th graduation!