University of Florida students visit the Farm

Last Friday, a group of students from the University of Florida chose to forgo a normal winter break and spend some time up here at the Food Shuttle! The group of 13 students have been a major help out on the farm building a hoop house and harvesting collard greens. They've also been in the warehouse , helping out with this year's Chicken 2 Go event, and driving trucks to rescue and distribute food. We had a chance to catch up with Bryan and Jake in between jobs at the Farm and ask them a few questions about their experience working at the Food Shuttle this week. Bryan shared that he was looking for something more to do over the break other than just relaxing. He's been interested in health and nutrition issues for a while since he is an exercise physiology major, so this trip was right up his alley. On the trip he's learned more about getting the community involved through community gardens and looking at nutrition as a holistic way of life. Jake is a pre-med major who has spent a lot of hours working in a hospital, but has gained new knowledge on nutrition and organic farming through the trip to the Food Shuttle!

Check back after the holidays for more pictures, first hand experiences, and video footage of students from the University of Florida's trip to the Food Shuttle!