Countdown to graduation!

4 times a year something incredibly exciting happens at the Food Shuttle. (well, let me clarify...working to alleviate hunger in the Triangle with the support of the community is a remarkable thing to see and be a part of on a daily basis!!) Our Culinary Job Training Program holds a graduation for students in the program who have completed the 11 week class! The ceremony is complete with a wonderful meal prepared by the students as their final exam, certificates, hugs from family and friends, and many joyful tears shed in light of a new beginning for many students. (view photos from the 48th graduating class on our Flickr site)

Over the next week  or so, the Behind the Scenes at the Food Shuttle blog will be showcasing video interview clips of the students graduating on December 18th!

Stay tuned for these inspiring videos to be released...the students have been interviewed and the raw footage is on the editing floor.