Volunteer Photographers

Pictures can depict the Food Shuttle's mission and the magnitude of work that our volunteers do every week. Thanks to Twitter and the N&O's Retail and Coupon Queen, Sue Stock, we've been linked up with a couple of spectacular photographers. Photographers Mark Petko and Andy Beal responded to a ReTweet from @FoodShuttle that Sue Stock sent out. Mark, Andy, and other volunteer photographers are now a part of a monthly photo opp email to shoot pictures at Inter-Faith Food Shuttle events and programs at their own convenience.

  Andy recently shot some wonderful pictures from our annual Turkey Takeout last Friday


Mark spent a morning at the farm picking lettuce and taking some amazing pictures



Mark also came out to the Carolina Rollergirls Charity Bout this past Saturday to catch the action at Dorton Arena


We are extremely thankful for these photographers who have been volunteering time to capture the Food Shuttle through a lens. Our Flickr site has been updated with a handful of Mark and Andy's pictures. Email Jason (jason@foodshuttle.org) or CeCe (cece@foodshuttle.org) to become a Food Shuttle volunteer photographer!