Crew Call

We are so THANKFUL for you – our wonderful volunteers – so we’re giving you the week off!!  There will be no Crew Call the week of Thanksgiving.  Farm staff and volunteers will take some well-earned time off with their families who have been very patient this year.  We hope that each of you has a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday.

The next Crew-call will be Dec 5th, location to be announced.

Community Gardens

While there is no crew call, Amanda and Volunteers will be in the Mayview Garden on Wed, Nov 25th for any pre-Turkey day harvesting.  Come out and join her if you’re in town 3:45-5:30.  Please email Amanda ( if you’re thinking about stopping by.

New!!  Farm & Garden Compost Crew

Farm & Garden volunteer extraordinaire Ron Paul Hunter will be heading up our latest project starting in December - the Food Shuttle Farm & Garden Compost Crew.  Expanding on our current composting program that utilizes food waste from the IFFS Culinary Job Training Program, we will be processing spoiled produce from Food Shuttles loading dock as well as recruiting local coffee shops and restaurants to send us their food waste.  *Start thinking now about which restaurant you want to talk to about donating their food scraps.  We will also build a vermi-composting(worms) facility this winter in an existing barn at the IFFS Farm.  Compost generated from the IFFS composting program will be used to improve soil structure at the Farm and our community gardens.  The vermi-composting facility will be an exciting educational addition for kids and adults alike when visiting the Farm.

We need volunteers to work at Food Shuttle and the Farm to remove plastic and ties from compostable produce, and help Ron transport and incoporate that material into our compost wind-rows at the Farm.  In the near future we hope to establish compost routes to pick up materials from our participating business.  Join us in taking this next important step in making the Inter-Faith Food Shuttle Farm and Community Gardens truly sustainable.  If you’re interested in helping out, please contact Ron at Thanks again for all of your wonderful work this season. We’ve done so much!

Happy Thanksgiving!