A Little Help?

Can you take good pictures? Use a flip camera? If so, we need your help. If not, we can probably teach you , so we need your help anyway. The Food Shuttle website, blogs, youtube, and flickr are important ways we let everyone in the Triangle (and beyond!) know about the great things the Food Shuttle is doing to make sure families, children and seniors have access to  healthy, nutritious  food. With our Food Recovery and Distribution, Culinary Job Training, Operation Frontline, Farm and Community Gardens, the Food Shuttle does amazing things and we need volunteers to help put a spotlight on it all.

We have stuff going on during the day, in the evening and on weekends, so if you’re willing, we have opportunitites for you. You’ll work with the Food Shuttle’s fabulous communications department and be on the frontlines in the fight against hunger. Call 250.0043 and ask for Jason or Cece. Or email Jason@foodshuttle.org or cece@foodshuttle.org .