Grilling Tips for Labor Day!

Healthy Grilling Tips for Labor Day Weekend

  • Buy lean low fat meats, including chicken breasts, ground turkey breast formed into burgers, pork tenderloin, and flank steak.
  • Consider grilling fish and/or veggies instead of meat.  Squash, eggplant, zucchini, corn, bell peppers and asparagus are all great veggies choices for grilling.
  • Marinate your meats, fish, or veggies ahead of time to reduce cancer-promoting chemicals from forming.
  • Remove the skin from chicken before marinating and/or cooking.
  • Try to avoid over-cooking or charring the meat. When meat and vegetables are cooked to very high temperatures harmful cancer-promoting carcinogens form.
  • Try cooking meat slower at a lower temperature this helps to keep meat moist and lock in the natural flavors.
  • Finish off your grilling celebration with grilled peaches, plums, or figs paired with low fat vanilla ice cream!