Frontline Fiesta

 This blog post is an update from an OFL class in Durham we mentioned yesterday in a blog post.  Be sure to check it out if you want the Pico de Gallo Salsa recipe!! It was truly a “Fiesta” at the Reality center in Durham on Tuesday afternoon. 2 Inter-Faith Food Shuttle staff, 3 volunteers and 17 youth participants came together for a highly engaging Operation Frontline Class. From the beginning, the chemistry between the students and volunteer instructors was electric.

With a menu consisting of Mexican flavors, the youth learned how to prepare homemade Pico de Gallo salsa, Tex-mex skillet and banana quesadillas. Chef Ben Blankenship instructed students on proper cooking skills such as sanitation, knife safety, food prep and smart procedures when working with hot peppers.  Nutritionist Jennifer Hale led engaged groups of young minds in the nutrition portion of the class; the students participated in active discussion on the “My Pyramid” food structure. Before eating, class manager Elizabeth Floyd introduced students to gardening and the importance of sustainability. At the end of the class the students were excited to learn from our Volunteers about there professional experience and the steps necessary to embark on a career in nutrition or the culinary arts.

Many times working with teens can provide for a challenging experience, however yesterday was a perfect blend of education, instruction and fun. It was clear the room had a few future chefs and nutritionist in the making.