Dig In! Conference — Inter-Faith Food Shuttle
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Dig In! Conference

Join our very own Urban Agriculture Education Manager Katie Murray as she speaks about how to activate garden spaces and engage the community at this year's Dig In! conference. 

Dig In! is put together by Advocates for Health in Action (AHA) and partner Marbles Kids Museum to explore how urban agriculture, community gardens, and edible gardens in schools and child care settings grow a healthier Wake County. Learn how and commit to how you will contribute to healthier communities in Wake County through edible gardens and urban ag.

Gain inspiration from Pecha Kucha style stories to kick off the day, participate in workshops, network with others, learn from educational booths, and hear from keynoter Katie Stagliano, founder of Katie’s Krops, about how each of us makes a difference in nourishing our community. Full agenda and early bird registration on Jan. 26

Saturday, March 10, 2018
Marbles Kids Museum, Downtown Raleigh
8:15 am-1:00 pm: Check-in, Workshops, Lunch and Keynote
10:30 am-1:30 pm: Educational Booths and Sun Sprouts Garden Fun

Earlier Event: February 13
Lunch & Learn
Later Event: March 10
Cooking Matters at the Store